DIY Water Pressure Test
Normal water pressure is generally between 40 and 70 PSI. Most homeowners prefer something right in the middle around 50-60 PSI. Once you measure the water pressure in your house, you can adjust it to a setting that is ideal for all family members and household uses.
Since most public water systems flow at pressure of 120+ PSI, homes on a public water service (not on a well system) are equipped with a Pressure Regulating Valve (PRV) on the main water line.

How to check your water pressure...
To check your water pressure you will need a water pressure gauge, which can be found at just about any home improvement or hardware store. Install the pressure gauge securely on an outdoor hose bibb near your main shutoff valve. Once secured, open the hose bibb to full pressure and check the reading on the gauge.
Low Pressure - If the gauge reads between 0-40 PSI, this could indicate a valve stoppage or possible break in your main line. Give us a call to have a technician diagnose & repair the issue.
Medium Pressure - If the gauge reads between 40-70 PSI, then your PRV is functioning properly. You may be able to increase or reduce the pressure by adjusting your PRV (see below).
High Pressure - If the gauge reads between 70-90 PSI, you will want to adjust your PRV (if possible) to reduce the pressure (see below). If the gauge reads 90+ PSI, this could indicate a failed or corroded PRV. Give us a call to have a technician diagnose & repair the issue.

How to adjust your pressure regulator...
Locate your pressure regulator - Your pressure regulator is a brass, bell-shaped valve with a medium-sized bolt in the top. It will typically be located in an in-gound box near your water meter, at the street or driveway (it may also be on your main service tree where your house shutoff valve is located, or in an access in your garage).
On the adjuster bolt, loosen the locknut (bottom nut) all the way. From there, you will be able to make adjustments to the bolt.
Clockwise = Increase Pressure
Counter-Clockwise = Decrease Pressure
Be sure to adjust the bolt in small increments, and check the pressure gauge after each adjustment. Once the pressure is adjusted to your preference, ensure you tighten the locknut to secure the bolt in position. If you find that there is no significant change after adjusting the pressure valve, your valve might be faulty and will need to be replaced.